Summer is pretty much here and so with it brings a slower pace lifestyle if only for a few months. While the girl is out of school, I do enjoy sleeping in and staying up later. But I realize that my dreams will always stay dreams unless I start putting in more work, and summer offers a great way to up my comics game by making use of the extra time gained.

I’m working on reading more in general. I have several books and comics that are piling up so aside from tackling those, I want to focus on a few drawing books that I have that sadly I haven’t finished.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

This is one of the first drawing books I bought since many people recommend it. I got about halfway through and then didn’t finish it. I even bought the workbook as an incentive to finish since the sketchbook I had used for the exercises was already full from other drawings.

You Can Draw! From Pencils to Pastels in 15 Easy Lessons

This book I bought and maybe did half a lesson. So if I do one a week I will make some real progress. May have to double up some weeks to get through all the lessons by August.

Terry Moore’s How to Draw – 5 Lessons For the Serious Comic Artist

I love Terry Moore and his comics. I’ve read some of this and can’t wait to finish it.

That’s probably enough for right now. If I finish any of these I might add another one as the summer progresses. Each week I will post a report about what I’ve read and learned.

Happy Summer, Ya’ll.