Lunchbox Comics – Dance Loss

Today is the first day of school and for the past two years, I have put something creative in my daughter’s lunchbox. The first year it was corny jokes with a doodle cartoon. Last year it was letter art of mostly inspirational quotes.

This year – however – she has requested MEMEs. In case you are blissfully unaware what a MEME is, it is usually an image that goes viral that then people put text over.

Today’s comic is a variation of the ‘Loss’ meme which was a comic panel created by web comic artist Tim Buckley for his comic Crtl+Alt+Del.
The comic was about a miscarriage he had sadly experienced with his significant other. The comic was out of character for the normal subject matter, so it caught his fanbase off guard. So, a meme is born.

My daughter was supposed to be in dance class instead of PE this year but she is in PE. I had jokingly told her that she didn’t need dance classes since when she was three that she said she already knew how to dance in response to us asking her if she wanted to take ballet.

Doing this comic I realize I never draw people lying down. It will be something I need to work on for sure.

DskC – Vaccinations

This coming week is the first week of school, so we’ve been sort of busy preparing for it. One thing we had to do was get some vaccines taking care of since our daughter is going into seventh grade.

I also finished off my first daily comic sketchbook and want to do a video of a tour through it. Hopefully I can get that done before I get through my new daily sketchbook.

DSkC – Amiibo Festival

This week’s pickens for the Daily Sketch Comic(DSkC) were pretty slim as there was only one but it’s a fun one. Recently we bought Amiibo Festival for the Wii U and finally played it this past week.

For those who may not be familiar with the game, it’s a party game based on Animal Crossing characters. You roll a dice and then go around a board collecting various items. At one point in the game, my daughter pauses to say she wants to see the train. So since I had wanted to draw about us playing this was the only moment that really stood out that day.

Daily Sketch Comic – 3D Printer

This past week we started using our 3D printer. It is seriously addicting. Watching an object print is more entertaining than I really want to admit. One of the first prints my husband was pointing out what had printed like the figures feet was here and so forth. It reminded me of when we went for the 20-week ultrasound for our daughter and the technician was like “Here is her left hand..and here is her right ear.” So I was inspired to do this little comic where the person is explaining what they see and so the other person is like “Oh are you looking at an ultrsound?” To which he responds with, “No 3D printing.”

Daily Comic Sketch

Since November I have been trying to sketch a daily comic that has something to do with our lives like something that happened that day to remember the moment.

I’m using a Moleskine blank notebook that is almost full of comics that are a slice of life situations. Some of them are really inside jokes. I haven’t done a comic every day sadly but in an attempt to push myself to do more, I’ve decided to share one comic from the previous week.

This one is pretty self explanatory but just a little background on it in case there are those visitors who have never had to diet in their life may not be familiar with this. My husband and I have started doing Weight Watchers. Each day you have so many points to ‘spend’ on food. Foods vary in points and you could say that the better the food tastes the more points it has. Weight watchers is a great program but always starting a diet can be rough. So on this day I was very excited to actually have a few points left for either a snack or to bank them (you can rollover 4 points to the next day).

These sketches are fast, messy, and no editing will be done on them except for cropping.

Hope you enjoy a look into some of the moments that make up our days.