There’s no feeling in the world like casually restarting your computer because things are working perfectly only to have the computer refuse to load windows.
First and foremost, thank goodness I had a separate drive from Windows and had recently moved most of my files to it. Luckily I had a Linux boot drive so I was able to get to that drive as the Windows drive was corrupt.
I had to create a Windows recovery disk from my husband’s computer. If you only have one computer then I suggest creating that recovery disk and putting it safely away because when I was trying to recover Windows it did give me the option to download online but my computer wouldn’t connect. I had to do a full re-install which wiped out both drives.
It’s actually kind of a good thing because I had so many started projects that I either lost interest in or forgot about. Every time I would run across them I would feel disappointment in myself for not following through with it. Now that all that is gone, I no longer have the guilt about not finishing it. So a partial blessing in disguise.
I’m back going now but still do not trust my computer so trying to remember to back up everything.