Summer Reading

Summer is pretty much here and so with it brings a slower pace lifestyle if only for a few months. While the girl is out of school, I do enjoy sleeping in and staying up later. But I realize that my dreams will always stay dreams unless I start putting in more work, and summer…

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Summer Plans

Summer is almost here. Just a few more weeks of school and we will be on that sweet, summer schedule. I like to recharge in the summer. The school year grind is not only bad for the kiddo but for us poor parents who have to do so much. This summer I plan to take…

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New Moms

Today my youngest niece on my side of the family gave birth to her first child. It made me think back to life with a newborn. I stayed at home for five years with my daughter. When I returned to work, I remember thinking how much of a breeze it was – a lot less…

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