The 2022 Year in Review

2022 was definitely 365 days. At the end of 2021, I had big plans for 2022 but got off to a very slow start. Some personal issues kept me from starting the year off as I had hoped but by the time summer rolled around, I was back into a planning and futuristic mode.

By August I had finally started posting regularly with a new comic every Friday. I think this makes 2022 the year I have done the most comics! So yay for that!

For Comictober, I drew a comic for nearly every prompt which was exciting considering not only drawing a comic but coloring it in one day.

In December, I did a project I had been wanting to do for the past two years – an Advent alphabet countdown where all the words are related to the holiday. It was so nice to finish a project that I’m super motivated going into 2023 to do another project.

It’s nice to finally feel like I am seeing progress in my comic output and hoping to continue throughout 2023.